Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So apparently I don't keep up with this thing as I should, mostly because there has been very little in my life that has been significant. Since December, among other things, I've started working as a cashier for a little spare change and it's not spectacular. 85% of my job could be done by a trained monkey and the other 15% is insanely micromanaged. Then there are the customers. Bless their hearts but God was not kind to most of them. There are the crotchety old people, the screaming babies with snot running down their faces, the tedious couples, and several toothless dirty others. It's rather uninteresting. The only interesting part is that my boss has on several occasions confessed his love for me, which is unnerving beyond reasonable thought. It's not a romantic gesture; it's fucking scary.

Anyway, I kicked ass in class, particularly nonfiction. My workshop group apparently liked my blunt tone and the fact that I don't shy away from less than savory topics. So that's pretty spectacular to hear.

Dated a guy, former military with a tattoo, so that's two things off my list. Wasn't great, wasn't horrible, certainly wasn't a core shaker. It changed me, meaning that no matter physically fit they are, military men have very little capacity to be in a relationship. That's all I'm really going to say about that.

Oh, it turns out that honestly is not the best policy. There are people who stay in a relationship for every wrong reason in the book and manipulate the hell out of each other, and they can't see past the bullshit. I'd really like to hire a psychologist to research the kind of mental gymnastics that one has to undergo to justify those actions. It'd be a journal that I'd read for sure.

Anyway, on a more positive note, I've been blessed with a second summer fling. He's training to be a pilot, which is just ridiculously awesome. And I was very up front about the whole "this is just a fling I don't give a damn about your hopes, dreams, and yadda yadda yadda." The weird thing is he wants to know mine. He wants to know every detail about me and pick my brain apart. Much to my chagrin but he's really tall and cute and have yet to find a truly nasty quality about him. Shields are up for sure, though.

XOXO (except to any thundercunts out there)