Friday, July 8, 2011


Boy, I never write on this thing. Wonder why I keep it up.

Anyway, so my grandfather passed away recently and I had to fly to Texas to bury him, along with the rest of the family. It's a huge, crazy Catholic family, which I am absolutely OK with. Some of the great things about Texas are the way their beer just seems to flow, the gigantic malls, the great road system, and venison sausage. It's really goddamn hot though and my mountain self couldn't exactly handle it. I miss them all greatly and I am hoping to be able to seem them under better circumstances.

In other news, my personal life is pretty phenomenal. I honestly couldn't ask for a better man than Flyboy. He's the absolute best and has exceeded all of my expectations. Yay me!

I'm writing this now while I wait for a phone call from the clinic because I, at the lovely age of 20 years, have a lump in my tit. That's just kinda fun to say. "Hi, I'm 20 and there's a small chance I have breast cancer." Not saying it is because it could more than likely be some sort of cyst but you know. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I'm not too worried about it, honestly. It could be bad karma for hating the Relay for Life people so much (they're a cult). Regardless, it's there and I just don't see how difficult it is for the medical professionals here to hook me up with an ultrasound machine and just take a picture of the fucking thing.

So yeah, that's basically it for now. I'm trying to do that thing that so many girls do: will the phone to ring with their minds. Ring, phone, ring. Damn you, ring.