Monday, October 31, 2011

What a Toolbox

Flyboy broke up with me yesterday morning. I was initially devastated but after careful consideration, and a lot of chocolate, wine, and Spartacus: Blood and Sand episodes, I am actually relieved that this happened. Yes, I'm mortified that a waiter dumped me and it may sound judgmental but I really just don't care. The man went on academic suspension for a semester and instead of returning the following term, like at least two of the people I know who have been in that situation, he was content to not go back and try harder. That supreme lack of ambition is seriously such a turn-off. Now, I'm not going to be angsty here and believe that I will never find someone else because to be perfectly honest, after that tediousness, I am done with this relationship shit for a while.

For some reason, we women are told that failed relationships are more or less learning experiences. "What did you take back from it?" In summary, I took back:

  1. An appreciation for my parents' hard work in raising me that instilled in me the determination to ensure that I don't end up stuck waiting tables. No, I'm not going to discuss the economic repercussions of living this lifestyle. I'm discussing the beings that one interacts with if one is to choose this career path. There is something to be said about the waitstaff of any restaurant that can be frequented on a college budget, and that is that they are greasy, non-sparkling vampires. I have never been around a more hateful group of nocturnal cretans than Flyboy's pals. They routinely ignored me in his presence, and after a while he also ignored me in public. After a short while, they called me "whore" and "bitch" in my face and he just fucking stood there and did nothing. Don't get me wrong, I can stand up for myself but when your own boyfriend doesn't do a damn thing about that sort of behavior, I think that it's just as bad as if he himself is doing it. What makes them vampires is that their tendency to be oppressively loud, obnoxious, and prone to simply discussing their past drama up until 5 AM on weekdays. It's perplexing to think that most of these people are college students, except Flyboy and his two cohorts. Personally, unless I am working extremely diligently on any number assignments, I am down for the count at 2 AM. Put the damn Yuengling and Rock Band down; it's Tuesday. What the fuck are you doing with your life?
  2. A reaffirmation that I will not put up with laziness. In conjunction with being a degree-less waiter, the guy had dreams of being a commercial pilot (which I initially found incredibly promising), hence the name Flyboy. He routinely said, "I'm going to make a trip to the flight school and talk to advisers and try to get in." He started this broken record in August; it is now Halloween and he still has not gone. He would also say that he'd clean his room/car/kitchen or do anything else tedious but necessary, then spend all goddamn day playing LoL (League of Legends. After witnessing hours of playtime, I still don't know the objective nor the appeal). Now, Batman: Arkham City was perfectly acceptable, to a point. There's only so many times of witnessing the guy play a game while forgetting to get his horrid close-to-Jew-'fro hair trimmed. Procrastination in life is ridiculous; I can be hypocritical here and say that procrastination in school is just part of being a student.
  3. A reaffirmation that I will not put up with bullshit. It's fine and dandy to believe that your party is more important than my studying but at least have the balls to admit it to me. I thought men liked honesty and directness. Apparently, when a female employs it for too long, it's detrimental. I don't like playing mind games and I have the nards to tell you to knock it the fuck off. I could play mindgames and give you headaches as you try to figure out what went wrong. Instead, I prefer to be up front about consequences and would love it if the other person felt the same way.
  4. An understanding that guys who play acoustic guitar to try and seduce a girl are serious toolboxes. I mean, really? Need I go on? It's such a trademark thing for a douchebag to do. I'm a little more unique, but that's because I have bias as a band kid. Give me a guy who can play jazz trumpet or a smooth string bass. Better yet, a Norweigian fiddle or ukulele. Something really out there.
  5. A discovery that I really do not like boring people. Flyboy's life is rather monotonous, which appeals to his one-dimensional friends. After a while, I found it both tedious and platitudinous. There were only a select few number of topics on the guy's brain and hardly any of them of any significance. I'm interning for an Africa ESL program with some English heavyweights but what does he want to talk about? Sidework at the restaurant. Uh ok then.
  6. A monotonous sex life is basically like asking for infidelity. How many men have been caught in adultery scandals due to their wives' lack of enthusiasm in the sack? Countless. So why is it that when a female suggests more interesting techniques, the man balks? Gotta love those double standards.
I know that I am far from perfect. I get it. I'm stubborn, volatile, detail-oriented, blunt, and intense. It's my senior year and I'm trying to get into graduate school; in retrospect I should have made this just a summer fling and called it quits the day classes started. I am going to throw myself into my work in much the same way Lindsay Lohan throws herself on a crack dealer.
