Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Lists I have made at work

When you are the self-checkout attendant at a respected grocery store like myself, you tend to do things in your boredom at 10 PM that don't disturb the 5 customers buying beer. I created a book of lists and, much like this video (I love Jenna Marbles, btw),

I decided to write a short, incomplete list of the people that I would not say no to having an hour, or eight, of pleasantries with them. Pleasantries

ANYWAY, here we go.

  • That guy from White Collar, aka Matt Bomer
  • Andy Whitfield
  • Danny Coale
  • James and Oliver Phelps at the same time
  • Sean Patrick Flanery
  • Matt Damon
  • The delicious piece of chocolate that is The Old Spice Guy, even though I not-so-secretly think black guy's junk looks fake (it's SO SHINY)
  • Sean Biggerstaff (ironic name)
  • Pierce Brosnan
  • Silas from Weeds. Uncle Andy if he got me incredibly incapacitated with his romanticism
  • Josh Groban only after he sang to me in French, because French is the language of sex. Italian is tied for second place with Spanish
  • Deryck Whibley from Sum 41. Need I say more?
  • Hugh Jackman
  • Hugh Dancy
  • James Marsden
  • Katy Perry. Russel Brand can watch and only hop in after 30 minutes.
  • Stephen Colbert
  • Neil Patrick Harris, regardless of him being gay with a married partner and a daddy. He's fucking awesome.
  • ANY of the US Navy Blue Angels
  • Nigel Barker
  • Gordon Ramsay, only after he made a beef wellington for me and screamed in that delightful Scottish accent at a bunch of ignorant bitches
  • Ryan Lochte, whom I have met and have a signed photo of him. Be jealous
  • Raphael Nadal
  • Jonathan Rhys Meyers
  • Henry Cavill
  • Daniel Craig
  • Eric Bana
  • Kellan Lutz, only after I've tied him up and he promises to not say a goddamn word about Twilight
  • Channing Tatum
  • Christian Bale
  • Tom Wisdom, the young guy in 300
  • Jesse Spencer
Like I said, a short list. Everyone has lists like these. You know it's so true. Here's another fun one: these are some of the things I go bat-shit crazy for, again in no particular order:
  • Baby seals
  • Reality TV marathons, particularly Hell's Kitchen and ANTM
  • Private Selection Italian Cafe TIra Misu Ice Cream
  • Hokie football
  • That first sunburn that totally turns into a tan
  • New textbooks
  • Kissing
  • Jewelry
  • Boys making dinner
  • Bull and Bones Cheese Fries
  • Champagne
  • A really long, awesome, slightly sweaty bout of sex. The kind where after several orgasms, you high-five each other and say "SHOWER!!!"
  • Husky and Labrador puppies
  • Skinny dipping
  • Writing checks with fancy pens
  • Scaring freshmen by existing and knowing what's up
  • New sundresses
  • Getting complimented in said sundresses
  • Steak, calamari, lobster rolls, crab legs, swordfish, chardonnay, etc.
  • Lord of the Rings
  • ANYTHING by Kate Spade
  • Trashy, smutty romance novels
  • Tasty drinks with rum
  • Sam Adams Summer Ale
  • Glow-in-the-dark ceiling stars
  • New pens on fresh new paper
  • The roar of an engine, especially from a Corvette or a motorcycle
  • That feeling right after you've shaved your legs, aka dolphin skin
Being a cashier is a shit job. We have to make it this entertaining.


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