Friday, August 13, 2010

Suspicions Part Two

So I stopped speaking to Mr. Clingy over two weeks ago, thinking my silence would pretty much give him the signal to Back The Fuck Off. Guess who should decide to tell me that he wants to "make [me] scream and beg for more"? I mean, really. I ignore the guy for more than 14 days and this is how he decides to try and rekindle any feelings I might have had for him (there was none to begin with)? A "Hello! How are you?" would have been far more welcome. I probably wouldn't have appreciated it but at least it would have only slightly irritated me and not completely disgust me. And I seriously do not want to be a complete bitch and tell him "Seriously, leave me alone. I don't want to even entertain the thought of dating you, let alone be seen in public with you." Even though, yes it's cold, that's how I feel.

He's not bad, he's just overbearing. Actually, no he's bad. Like I said, wouldn't even consider him. Overbearing, interrogative, overtly clingy (hence the name), and of course not easy on the eyes can make any guy undatable. Or undateable. Either way it's coming up as not a word in the English language and while grammatical errors make me cry on the inside, I'll just move on.

Anyway, I think this leaves something to be said about this generation. Now, I know that we as Millenials constantly hear our parents and grandparents grumble about the destruction of society these days, saying that the cell phones cause cancer and that little girls are becoming "Prostitots", but their message about the death of manners has some merit.

Case in point: before the invention of the text message, a man had to work a bit to make a woman comfortable enough before he just simply ask "Wanna fuck?" Not to say that the text message was the cause of the end to propriety, but it certainly seems a lot less harmless to text and send the words rather than to utter the words yourself. And while that's all well and good, there's still a question of timing. Actually, it's really not a question: a safe bet is to not propose bedroom activities immediately via text. Calling, maybe. At a party or over drinks, it's an even safer bet. But over a text message? Really, how lazy have we become?

Honestly, the only time it's really appropriate to "sext" someone is if you've already crossed into the carnal world and want to give off that whole I-need-you-right-now-but-I-can't-because-I'm-at-work-or-in-a-meeting thing, which can sometimes be very hot; note that I say "sometimes". And while I can grow to loathe the pithy dialogue one has to go through before hopping into bed, it's still necessary. I mean, you should try to at least know the person's name (so you say the right one during orgasm, fake or otherwise. Priorities, you know). It certainly come across as boorish and in fact creepy to just sext out of the blue.

So please, let's all agree to postpone the sext for awhile. At the very least, wait until you've met the person. It only alleviates the trashiness just slightly.


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