Thursday, October 7, 2010

Random List Time

Twenty-five's a good number. We'll go with that. Random facts, goals, habits, worldly bits of wisdom, and in general nonsensical whims from this kid.

1. To begin, I've learned the perks of being single. Check it: I can go where I want, do what I want, watch Sex and the City and read Cosmopolitan whenever I want, have my room be a complete disaster and not care, not have to argue that the performance by Nicholas Cage in the movie The Rock is any better than any of the other shit he's produced (seriously, the movie should have been Sean Connery being his badass self, no one else needs to help), sing 80's music in my car as loud as I want, and of course eat peanut butter M&M's without being judged.

2. I may say "If you want something, go get it" but lately there's been one thing that I cannot seem to just bite the bullet and go chase. I think about it and people tell me to just go for it but I get really nervous and freeze up.

3. No matter where I go, I want to be near a place that has a giant trampoline.

4. The more fantastical a horror story is, the stupider it is. In all the things in the world, there is nothing more terrifying than the depths of human evil.

5. Before I die, I would like to take a year off of everything, blow all of my life savings, and see the world. All of it. I'd like to go back-packing in Southeast Asia, ride a boat down the Nile River, train a Mongolian war pony, play around in Venice, and then meet an Irish man who owns stallions and race them.

6. I'm not a kid person. I have little patience and am inherently selfish. I am constantly learning and exploring and I don't want to stop that for anyone, let alone a child. I get incredibly frustrated when things aren't perfect the first time around.

7. I love planes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No one else seems to get that. SR-71 is my favorite, followed by the F-18 Blue Angels.

8. I think while there are many ways to live one's life, there are some things that need to remain constant: the Bro/Ho Code, manners, and basic respect for people and their things. FYI: wash dishes when you're done with them.

9. It's pretty sweet to know that no matter how bad your day is going, there is someone out there who is going to make you smile.

10. I have no balance. Seriously. I've fallen down stairs, up stairs, flat on my face, on my ass, and I run into things. Walls, doors, and I definitely body-checked a guy once.

11. The best days are the ones where you wake up and get slightly dressed up just for the hell of it.

12. I cry when I watch LOTR and hear "The Fire of Eternal Glory." Every time.

13. Little known fact: the Cult of Demeter was the basis of today's Greek life. Only women were permitted to participate in the festivities. That's right, world: sororities came first.

14. I want to go to graduate school.

15. There is nothing sexier than a man in either a suit or a uniform. Tying a man's tie is just as sexy as taking it off. Rule of thumb. Also, best suit to wear: black pinstriped.

16. I know that they are full of themselves and know that they're the hottest things ever, but Navy pilots are my kryptonite.

17. I love Hokie football, Olympic swimming, and horse racing. Equestrian sports, in general.

18. A red Corvette will be mine. Even though I want to live in the city.

19. I have recently discovered a love for jazz and am really sad I never played an instrument that is used in jazz.

20. Being able to laugh at yourself is one of the best things ever. The world is cruel and the truly ridiculous are those that find humor in it. It's fun to be silly.

21. The most intimate relationship a person can have is with oneself. The ancient Greeks at Delphi really knew what was up when they coined the phrase "Know thyself."

22. If I were to teach anything, it would be swim lessons on the side, but upper high school to lower college English. I love engineers and math-y types but I swear, reading their writing is a chore.

23. Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture should be required reading for both high school and college students. Read it and find out why.

24. I have actually gotten insulted when someone didn't know the difference between a cami and a tank top. Weirdest quirk EVER.

25. I can always promise one thing to anyone I meet: you will never be bored. I can't say I'll love you, like you, or hate you, but you will never be bored around me. I love to entertain and be entertained.


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