Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Random Stupid Survey

You know, because I'm not judging anyone right now haha.

Do you mind explaining things to children? I mean I don't like children at all.

How many times a day do you go to the bathroom? I don't count. That's weird.

Can you neatly write with your opposite hand? Not at all.

Do you prefer chicken, beef, pork, or tofu? Chicken.

What are you doing besides this survey? watching Futurama, talking to people.

Do you have a clock in the room you are sitting in right now? yes

If you were a cow, would you sleep standing up, or lying down? Standing up

If you could go outta town right now where would you be going? Ireland

What is your favorite video game? God of War. Seriously, it's simple, it's bloody, it's violent, it's fantastic!

When did you cry last? approximately two weeks ago, when I got that horrible phone call.

Have you ever played the game MASH? It's only the funnest game ever.

You're gonna get a piercing, where is it? I've got 5. I think I'm good.

How do you feel about your first true love? Oh, high school haha

When you were little, were you totally into Barney? I might have been, but now I'm totally into Barney Stinson.

Do you play games on your cell phone? Nope

Are you an aunt/uncle? Nope!

If you could change one thing about your looks, what would it be? I mean, really?

What kind of magnets are on your fridge? No idea. I don't pay attention.

Who was the last person you had a serious talk with? My little sister

Who do you call when you need comfort? Mom

What movie do you want to see? Jackass 3D

When is the last time you did a puzzle? a week ago

What songs would you put on a cd if you were about to burn one? I have an iPod, in which I make playlists

When did you last go to the gym? At-home yoga

What cable company do you have? NTC

Have you ever played Monopoly, and won? Fuck Monopoly.

How easily do you apologize? I acknowledge mistakes I honestly make but otherwise, no. I will not apologize for certain actions that I take. Deal with it.

Have you taken any medicine lately? Just pain meds

Hottest thing you see right now? My Boondock Saints poster

Does everything happen for a reason? Certainly

What is your favorite online game? ROBOT UNICORN ATTACK

Favorite TV channel? online

Last place you got a hair cut? some place in the mall

Last person you made a bet with? Two really close friends. I might lose this one lol.

Stayed in a hotel lately? in Maryland

What is something you are scared to do? talk to this one person

Who is the last person you talked to on the phone? Mom

Do you have four generations still living in the family? no

Best rib place you've eaten at? this one place in Texas

What is one of your family traditions? watching LOTR over Christmas

Is there anything you always do before you go to bed? read

What goes best with soda? more diet dr pepper

How many lights are on in your house? too many

Wanna get anything off your chest? fuck bitches get money?

What is something you did today? I was given a new nickname that I'm not sure I enjoy but is still very funny.

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