Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Should Probably Explain

For all two of my listed followers (OMG lyke I'm so famous! If I ever speak like this, shoot me please), it may be noticed that I use pseudonyms for real people in my life.  This is for the obvious reason that I have no desire to become tangled up in legality issues for libel or whatever.  Anyway, here are three of the most recent characters taking part in my so-called "life story."

  • Aunt C. - my godmother who has graciously allowed me to crash on her couch in DC until I move in to my new townhouse.  Yeah, sorry if anyone got the impression that I live here on my own.  I can barely afford a Metrocard, let alone a co-op payment in the Waterfront.  She's my role model, is wicked smart, and the best mentor I could ask for during this transition period.
  • RePub - short for "Republican."  Everyone's got one or two of them in their group of friends, right?  He and I have known each for eight years now and we've finally gotten the chance to catch up and hang out as old friends.  No, nothing sexual has ever happened, nor will ever happen, between us.  He lives near Aunt C.'s co-op and we try to hang out on the weekends.  It's fun.
  • PhD - trying to describe this man is a near impossibility.  To start, he will be starting his third year of his Ph.D program this fall.  He's getting his Ph.D in physics, which is seriously hot (it is no secret that I am a sucker for the nerdiest of the nerds).  We met at a mutual friend's wedding and have been talking for a while.  More on this situation to come.
There's really nothing new to report.  I lead such a cool life, right?

Sarcasm alert.


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