Monday, June 25, 2012

Second Coffee Refuel

Currently, I do believe this beverage could have a Red Bull or two in it, just to ensure that I stay awake long enough to actually make it home tonight. No, I didn't rage last night. In fact, I've become a rather dull, boring, lame adult. I'm Ted Mosby when I aspire to be Robin Scherbatsky.

Right, whatever with that.

I suppose I should at least sort of clarify who PHD is, considering I might be mentioning him more from time to time. We met at a mutual friend's wedding; rather, we met at the reception after-party to play Finish The Drinks. Something about me that night made him want to actually talk to me (imagine: a man making the first move): it could have been that I was shit-housed, wearing a very tight Nyan cat shirt with tight jeans, I was high on female wedding endorphins/desperation, or perhaps a combination of all three. Either way, he just started chatting me up, even though in that moment I probably wasn't in prime chatting up condition.

Look, open bars are about 50% I go to weddings in the first place.

Anyway, so he sent me a friend request on Facebook and we kept in touch through that medium. He studies physics at a university in PA at the Ph.D. level, hence the pseudonym PHD. When I received notification of my acceptance to graduate school, he was among the first to congratulate me. Our conversations following that occasion turned a tad more flirtatious, to the point where he was at my apartment's front door the night after graduation. He stayed for two nights with me and we reached an agreement: we were going to see how the summer went with the distance and such. I had made plans to drive up to PA to visit him but reality got in the way.

See, accepting this internship was a major step up for me from where I was. However, it gave my very little to move out of my apartment in Blacksburg and into my aunt's place in DC. The only days in which this task could be accomplished were the days that I had planned on heading up to visit him. Unfortunately, my trip to the North (yes, PA is north of the Mason-Dixon line. Know your US history) will be put on hold until September, and I feel really terrible about that. I want to visit him, not just because I like him but also because it's fair.

PHD has decided to come down to DC to celebrate Independence Day with me, which is pretty cool. He's also indicated coming down for my 22nd birthday.

I guess I should just come out with it: he asked me to be his girlfriend. Surprisingly, I'm OK with this. I don't mind the distance because both of us are going to be crazy-busy with graduate school classes. Plus, I don't need to talk to him everyday. Perhaps I have reached the level of maturity in order to maintain this sort of thing.

"Love is like a fart. If you have to force it, it's probably shit." I'm going to let this develop organically.


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